Learn To Love Your Sensitivity As Your Superpower

HSP SOS is a 30-day course designed to help a Highly Sensitive Person learn how to thrive in a world that’s not built for them… manage overwhelm, handle intense emotions, set boundaries, and finally get the understanding and support they’ve never had.

Do You Feel Overwhelmed And Drained In A World That Is Too Loud, Too Fast, And Too Intense?

Perhaps you’re trying to deal with the crazy juggling act of life, like you're on a never-ending rollercoaster, trying to meet everyone's expectations while trying to manage your own sensitivities…

Or you feel a pressure to climb the career ladder, maintain relationships, and play all these different roles that can drive you insane. Like you're a ticking time bomb, easily overwhelmed and emotionally drained…

Maybe you feel frustrated when people just don't get it. Like society can be so clueless about what it's like to be you; they think you're just being dramatic or overly sensitive. Like you're speaking a different language, and they just can't relate, leading you to feel so unsafe, misunderstood, isolated, and judged, wondering why you don't fit into this cookie-cutter world…

All the while, trying to keep it all together but feeling like it's a daily struggle, constantly on the verge of falling apart.

If any of these experiences sound like you, please know...

You Are Not Alone.

Look, I know personally what it’s like to feel all these ways.

I’ve also worked with countless HSPs who did, too.

And even though so many of them thought it couldn’t change for them—it did.

They were able to find peace, validation, acceptance, support, and a brand new perspective of their sensitivities… a new way of loving themselves in every major area of their life.

And I know you can too.

The painful "side effects" of being an HSP are not your fault…

Being Highly Sensitive Isn’t A Choice.

Which is often why it can feel scary, frustrating and alone at times.

Being highly sensitive is neither a personality flaw nor a mental health diagnosis, unlike what some may believe.

It’s not something that’s developed over time or that we should seek to eliminate.

It’s actually genetic; something that we are born with and that’s only present in 15-20% of the population.

Akin to other genetics, like hair color, the sensitivity trait in any given HSP can range from more to less sensitive. The trait also tends to fluctuate in how/when/where it’s expressed and to what degree.

Now, many of us from a young age—whether aware of it or not—know that we are different.

And while some of us are able to shape-shift like a chameleon to fit in and maintain the status quo, others of us hide behind masks.

Maybe at some point we weren’t safe in our family system or social circle to be truly ourselves without ridicule, judgement, or criticism.

Maybe we were punished for not being like others, outcast for being “difficult,” “too sensitive,” and “too much.”

Or maybe we didn’t feel worthy to exist at all… afraid of rejection.

No matter how big or how small, these experiences often lead to feeling “wrong,” broken, alienated, unbelonging, emotionally unstable, and confused about who we really are.

Many of us also experience a lack of understanding, guidance, and validation that have resulted in fear and the ultimate rejection of our own self.

That’s why this superpower—your sensitivity—has become an insecurity instead.



A 4-Week Journey To Loving Your Sensitivity As Your Superpower

In HSP SOS You Will

  • Establish healthy boundaries that protect your energy and well-being, enabling you to navigate overstimulating environments with grace.

  • Learn to foster connections that are understanding, supportive, and nourishing; surrounding yourself with people who appreciate and respect your sensitivity, creating a network of love and acceptance.

  • Develop effective coping strategies to manage the intense emotions that come with being an HSP, allowing you to find inner peace and emotional balance.

  • Find a career path that aligns with your values and allows you to use your sensitivity as an asset, creating a work-life balance that prioritizes your well-being and minimizes overwhelm.

Here’s What’s Included In All 4 Modules:

Honest Reviews From Fellow HSP's

This Course Has Empowered Me To Understand That By Supporting Myself, My Sensitivity Becomes My Strength

Working with Sadie has helped me understand that being an HSP is not a burden, but rather a gift.

Before working with Sadie, life felt, for lack of better words, very difficult. I could not understand how others around me could function the way they could, and I was struggling, trying to live in a world that was not supportive for HSPs. 

Following the HSP program has empowered me to understand that by supporting myself in the appropriate ways, my personality traits that have been labeled as “too sensitive” or “too much” became strengths of mine, and therefore, Sadie and the program has truly changed my life.

I now feel as if I can live and thrive in life that was a world I always thought was just too difficult to reach. Although there are challenges, Sadie and her program have provided the guidance to go through those challenges and learn the lessons that are meant to be learned, without spiraling out of control or feeling too overwhelmed.

By understanding myself as an HSP and finding these ways to cope, grow, and learn, I have been able to care for my patients with deep empathy and connect to them differently, while maintaining my own energetic space and feeling joy in my personal and professional life.


This Course Has Transformed My Perspective Of My Sensitivity

Prior to investing in this course, I was vaguely familiar with the term "highly sensitive people."

This course explained this type of person and the virtues associated with this phenomenon. Sadie's videos are done in a very practical, common sense way.

I always knew I was different and experienced things at a different level than the people around me but I never realized that I was born to this special awareness and sensitivity.

Sadie's insight also opened up new thoughts and appreciation for being an HSP.

I have realized the value of having some of these unique traits and how they can be used in productive and positive ways. Sadie also gave clear and precise instructions on how to protect and honor these gifts in our everyday lives and routines. 

I would highly recommend this course and especially for sensitive women and girls who need to validate that their emotions, intuition, innate knowledge and wisdom are gifts from our Creator and that humanity benefits from individuals who were lucky enough to be born an HSP.


Sadie’s Methods Have Taught Me How To Come Back to Center

I would recommend this course to anyone looking to build a better barrier around their emotions and over all state of well being!

Sadie’s methods have taught me how to come back to center in a world that often makes me feel a little overwhelmed. The course gives a good mix of small hacks and larger practices to work on over time. Thank you Sadie!!



hours of video content


weeks of self-study


satisfaction guaranteed


expert-led lessons

What You Will Get Out of This Course…

Here Is What To Expect

Self-Discovery and Acceptance: Be guided on a journey of self-discovery, helping you embrace and celebrate your sensitivity. Learn to love and appreciate your unique qualities.

Practical Application: Go beyond theory into real-life applications. Receive guidance on integrating the strategies and concepts into your daily life, relationships, and career. See tangible results and a sense of progress.

Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning: Accommodation to your busy life schedule. The self-paced format is ideal, allowing you to learn at your own pace and revisit materials whenever you need to. 

Affordability: We fully believe in the value, quality of content and expertise in this course. We’ve made it easily available to every HSP that needs it. A great value for your investment—we want you to feel supported without breaking the bank.

Pricing Options

Choose The HSP SOS Package That’s Right For You

30-Day Online Course


Immediate access to the 30-day self-paced, online course

Immediate access to all the downloadable exercises, techniques, worksheets, & meditations

30-day money back guarantee



Immediate access to the 30-day self-paced, online course

Immediate access to all the downloadable exercises, techniques, worksheets, & meditations

30-day money back guarantee

1:1 session with Sadie for personalized support (60-min)

Course Preview:

HSPs Have Different Needs Than Non-HSPs

Hi I’m Sadie, The Savvy Sensitive

I'm a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) with an extensive background in psychology and spirituality. 

With 8+ years of education and experience in the field of psychology and spirituality, I've become a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mental & Emotional Release® (MER), Huna Higher Consciousness Healing, Jungian Psychotherapy, Family Systems therapy, Trauma-Informed therapy, and other various forms of therapy, therapeutic techniques, and energy healing like CBT, tapping (EFT), fragment integration, etc.

Later, the discovery and research of Highly Sensitive People put so many pieces together after what felt like a lifetime of pain, suffering, and struggle.

But all those experiences taught me so much - including life-changing tools and concepts that I now use to help, support, and guide fellow HSPs to a truly empowered and authentic life.

So if you're looking for an understanding ear and some practical advice to manage overwhelm, deal with intense emotions, set boundaries and practice self-care - this HSPSOS course is the answer.

Because of my own personal life story and childhood trauma, I dove deep into all of these disciplines in order to find healing for myself.

Still Got Questions?

  • HSPSOS is an online, self-paced course designed to help Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) understand and appreciate their unique sensitivity. This product provides practical tools, strategies, and techniques for managing overwhelm, dealing with intense emotions, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care. It also includes a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be an HSP along with real-life applications that can be integrated into daily life.

  • With HSPSOS, you'll gain access to practical strategies and tools that can help create balance in both your academic/work life and personal life. You'll learn how to better regulate your emotions, handle stress with grace, foster meaningful relationships, take care of yourself, and create an overall sense of wellbeing.

  • The HSP SOS course is currently available for a one-time payment of $97.

  • Yes, your purchase is backed by our 30 day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free! If you're not satisfied with HSPSOS after trying it for 30 days, simply let us know and we'll refund your purchase. No questions asked.

  • To get started, simply click the “enroll” button on this page and sign up for the course. You'll then have immediate access to the material so you can start learning right away! We’re so excited to join you in your journey!

Best Value


30-Day Self-Paced Course



30-Day Course + 1:1 Session with Sadie


Still Unsure How This Program Would Work For You?


Turn Your Sensitivity Into Your Superpower

HSPSOS is an online, self-paced course designed specifically for HSPs like you.

This 30-day program provides practical tools, strategies and techniques for managing overwhelm, dealing with intense emotions, setting boundaries and practicing self-care so that you can learn to love and appreciate your unique sensitivity as a gift rather than a burden. With this course, you'll gain understanding, validation, support - plus the confidence needed to navigate the world confidently and authentically!